The 6 Million Dollar Man

The 6 Million Dollar Man

The 6 million Dollar man

Remember that show from the 70’s ?

Steve Austin – got all fucked up when his space ship crash landed and they had to rebuild his broken ass.

They had to rebuild him

Better – Stronger – Faster

That’s kinda my story

2 years ago I was broken – Fucked up – I Crashed

I began my epic journey to rebuild myself

Better – Stronger – Faster (like the 6 million dollar man )

2 years later

140 lbs. lighter

20 more lbs. of muscle

Best shape of my life at 54

But what now ?

I have been asked a lot lately

“So Curd.. after this crazy transformation .. what are you doing now…?”

Great question

During the last 2 years of transformation and the Covid shut down – I have had lots of time to work on myself and re-evaluate what I want to be doing going forward.

A few things became apparent during this time and transformation

I loved training again – my time in the gym world wasn’t done

I love helping others create amazing life changing transformations – people seeing what I was doing began reaching out

I love creating our Iron Hos Gear clothing – creating clothing that inspires and motivates – from design to printing – I’m in love with all aspects of it

I also realized I missed being a shopkeeper – I use to love being in my store – people coming in talking training and nutrition and providing knowledge and quality supplements to hit goals – gains and pr’s

With my rekindled love for training

With my levels of energy

With my renewed levels of self esteem and confidence

My head is clearer – and I’m happier so my perspective is different

I have opened a private training gym 24/7 access

I have opened a retail location above the gym – supps – clothing and lifting accessories

I am doing personal training 20 hours a week mostly early mornings if your interested

I also have our life changing 28 day Iron Will reboot program

All this is for the purpose of helping men and women create the Heroic version of themselves.

My life has changed so much. I want this for everyone, that’s what our brand IronHos is all about, that’s how I live everyday for myself.

Here’s the kicker

I’m not working 15-18 hour days

I’m not working 6-7 days a week

I have a much better balanced life.

Better – Stronger – Faster (like the 6 million dollar man )

Shit maybe I’ll even get to fight bigfoot like Steve Austin did !

Looking in the Mirror

I have long maintained that when we look at ourselves in the mirror we see the sum total of our daily rituals – habits and personal beliefs looking right back at us.

That’s why we look at ourselves less and less as well become more and more broken and disconnected from who we are truly meant to be.

We don’t want to be reminded of how we are fucked up and continue to fuck up in our lives.

Starting to look at ourselves in the mirror at first is heartbreakingly tough!

As it should be – we let ourselves get this way.

We need to raise our personal standards and level of self-love so high that we change our daily rituals and habits and thought processes.

Rituals of eating properly, exercising, journaling.

Habits of personal presentation, doing the self-work early in the day and consistently and with great pride.

We need to look in the mirror every day to hold ourselves accountable.

Not just to see our hair is good! (not really an option for me

Talk a look at your entire body every morning – take it all in.

What you see staring back at you is telling you what you need to know.

It’s feedback.

It’s your Google review.

Is it 1 star or 5 stars?

When I first started at 398 lbs I fucking heated that mirror!

What I really hated was myself and who I had let myself become.

I hated that I was holding me back from being the superhero version of ME!

I decided that I was going to look in the mirror every day – I was going to take pictures every day – I was going to shoot video every day.

I knew that if I looked at myself hard enough and often enough, it would fuel my desire and drive for me to act, moving forward every minute of every hour of every day.

A few things started to happen – I became consistent with the 4 daily non-negotiables of Iron Will:

  1. Food Mastery
  2. Exercise
  3. Mindset
  4. Personal Presentation

I started to lose the fear and self-loathing that the mirror used to show me.

Once enough weight came off I was able to see the changes

In my face, then my arms, my legs.

Then one day I saw the change in my eyes.

I started to see more confidence and increased self-esteem.

I started to wear better-fitting clothes.

I even chose one day of the week to be my Badass Motherfucker Day.

Every Thursday I make an even bigger point of wearing my best-fitting jeans and a new Iron Hos Gear T-shirt

Coming out of the shower after I shave, standing there butt naked I look at myself head to toe.

And I say these words out loud:

  • I am a Badass Motherfucker
  • In how I look.
  • In how I feel.
  • In how I move.
  • In how I dress.
  • In how I think.

I feel the power buzzing inside me.

Empowered. Strong. Ready.

I fucking love the mirror now.

It shows me all the progress.

It shows me where I am.

It shows me what I have left to do.

The mirror never changed.

I did.

The mirror shows me the sum total of my daily rituals, habits, and personal beliefs looking right back at me.

Ready to make a Transformation?

The Iron Will 28-Day Reboot is a four-week, step-by-step weight loss transformation program for men & women 35 & over, that includes a clean meal plan, personalized supplementation, fat-burning & body-changing workouts, and daily inspiration to help you feel STRONG & CONFIDENT, look AMAZING, and have much more ENERGY to do the things you really want to do!

The Reason Your Life Sucks

The reason your life sucks right now?


More specifically,

The Fear of Change.

I am always looking at what drives us internally.

Why we do what we do – positive and negative.

Why we don’t do what we know we should.

I believe the more I understand what’s happening here, the better my Epic Hero Journey will continue to be.

And the more I’ll be able to help men and women move forward with their own Epic Hero transformation through the Iron Will Reboot Program.

It’s Neuroscience time boys and girls…

Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) we do is based on our own neuroscience.

This is a fancy term for our mindset and how our brain works.

Our brain is a computer and our neuroscience is the program it runs on.

Crappy programming = Crappy output or reality.


Fear is what I believe to be our single most limiting mental factor.

Much of the resistance to undertaking your own transformation has to do with FEAR.

Fear is a powerful force to deal with.

The more we feed it the more powerful it becomes.

Some of the fears we have when we want to make real changes in our lives need to be addressed.

Fear #1: Can I handle this?

There are two parts to this fear:

1st: It’s going to be too hard.

Can I handle the work that needs to be done to make this transformation?

  • Will I know what to do?
  • How hard is it going to be?
  • Will I starve?
  • Do I have to live in the gym?

(BTW the answer to the last 2? With the Iron Will Reboot, NO ONE STARVES, and we don’t expect anyone to train 3 hours a day)

2nd: Fear of Success.

  • Can I handle life on the other side of this transformation?
  • Will I be able to maintain these new changes?
  • Will I change too much as a person? (NO! – the real you just comes out better than ever!!)
  • Will I lose friends or people close to me? (Who you lose in this journey will be replaced by who you gain on the other side. There will be more powerful & positive relationships – trust me I know!)

When is Fear Good?

Bears and Sharks

In this day and age, the fear of bears and sharks is really the only time we need to be fearful and alert.

Of course, any other situation where we may face imminent physical danger is when fear is meant to put us on alert and ensure our survival.

But the fear of thinking we won’t ever be able to eat a donut or drink a beer again when we decide to lose weight and become healthy is the ridiculous aspect of fear.

When is Fear Bad?

The fear response becomes a negative impact on our lifestyle, influencing everything we think, feel and do.

Living in fear keeps us stuck in a self-perpetuating cycle of defeat and frustration.

When you commit to facing your fears, you’re able to discover strategies to overcome them and find peace.

The key to dealing with fear getting in the way of what you know needs to get done is…


Find a solution to the situation you’re facing.

Facing your fear and taking action almost instantly melts away fear and starts us on the path to success and transformation.

What fears do I have now?

We will always have to deal with fear. BUT, what I fear now is so much less than all the shit I was afraid of before:

  • When I was drinking,
  • When I was 398 lbs,
  • When I was physically weak and tired,
  • When my business was in the shitter.

There were so many fears!

Most of them were false, irrational, and self-fulfilling.

That’s because my fucking brain was fucking me over. That was because of the mindset and programming I was running at the time.

When my mindset changed – I changed.

When I took action – I changed!

When I decided I was going to start following and living the 4 daily non-negotiables that are now the foundational pillars of my life and the Iron Will Reboot Program.

My mind changed – my body changed.

As my body changed – my mind continued to change.

My biggest Fear now is Fear itself.

When the situation arises in my life where I feel fear, I first recognize that  I’m feeling the fear and ask myself,

“Is it because there’s Bears and Sharks, or am I being irrational because I’m tried or overwhelmed at the moment?”

Once I determine which fear it is, I either deal with the Bears and Sharks or I deal with irrational fear.

Either way, I’m now strong enough mentally and physically to handle either scenario.

Fucking Bears and Sharks!Curd


Ready to make a Transformation?

The Iron Will 28-Day Reboot is a four-week, step-by-step weight loss transformation program for men & women 35 & over, that includes a clean meal plan, personalized supplementation, fat-burning & body-changing workouts, and daily inspiration to help you feel STRONG & CONFIDENT, look AMAZING, and have much more ENERGY to do the things you really want to do!

Curd Jacked at 265 lbs?! Down 133 lbs overall

It’s been a busy summer!But it’s also been one of the best summers of my life.Following the 4 daily non-negotiables we teach in the Iron Will Reboot program has been vital to me at this point in my life:

  • In a pandemic,
  • While working on my transformation – now down 133 lbs,
  • While rebuilding my brand and business during these crazy times.
Curd Hos lost 133 lbs

Some cool shit I did this summer

  • Finally got a Blue Jays weekend in with my wife,
  • Went to an outdoor SPA where I walked around with no shirt on in public,
  • Ran a powerlifting meet – the first in almost 2 years due to covid!

Working with more clients than ever

  • Transformations
  • Personal Training
  • Life Coaching

Being able to have great purpose and impact on people’s lives is my true happy place!Lots of great things are on the horizon!But make no mistake, I still have lots of work to do.The Heroic Journey of “me” is far from complete.There are still hurdles.There are still times of self-doubt and the Imposter Syndrome to deal with!My Mindset work continues…The most important “Boundary” or “Standard” I have set for myself isputting myself first!Not in a make-myself-feel-good-all-the-time kind of way.It’s not, Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll/never let myself feel anything but euphoric all the time/putting myself first behavior.It’s the very oppositeIt’s:

  • Workout twice a day,
  • Mindset work,
  • Set goals and complete tasks,
  • Food mastery,
  • Self-discipline.

It’s suffering daily to make this new amazing reality even better!It’s about delayed gratification so that the true rewards will be even greater and permanent down the line.Discipline – Determines – DestinyThere is much satisfaction in working hard and feeling accomplished.I’m blessed to have this grind for success before me!I have come an incredibly long way – but there is so much more to do!Am I tired at times?Yup, who isn’t tried at times. But now it’s with a reason and a purpose!I monitor my energy daily and adjust activities and give myself more room to recharge as needed, GUILT FREE (lol .. well fewer feelings of guilt as I see how it empowers me to keep going!!)I have never been more:Happy,Excited, andPassionate!I wake up each day ready!It’s been a very good summer!2021 – 2022 Personal Objectives

  • 240 lbs body-weight
  • Skydive
  • Wing Walking



Ready to make a Transformation?

The Iron Will 28-Day Reboot is a four-week, step-by-step weight loss transformation program for men & women 35 & over, that includes a clean meal plan, personalized supplementation, fat-burning & body-changing workouts, and daily inspiration to help you feel STRONG & CONFIDENT, look AMAZING, and have much more ENERGY to do the things you really want to do!

2500 days …

Interesting number.


6.85 years
83 ish months
357 weeks

60,000 hours
3,600,000 minutes
216,000,000 seconds

Curd Hos Iron Hos GEar

I recently hit the milestone of 2500 days being sober.

One of my greatest achievements.

One of the hardest things I have ever done.


Somedays that first day seems like yesterday.

Most days it feels like a lifetime ago.

Many days it was the only thing I was able to accomplish amidst the chaos and hurt that was my life at the time.

I held onto that like a fucking life preserver. Like I was lost at sea with the waves of life; stress and the desperate desire for change smashing me about.

Now those seas are much calmer.

But I’m always ready for the next storm.

There will always be storms.

I’ve accomplished a lot since those 2500 days began.

But I still track and write down that growing number EVERY DAY in my journal.

It’s like the odometer of my life with a newly rebuilt engine dropped in my favorite ride.

I love looking at that number!

The first day was the scariest and most important one of all.

It’s also the magic that I celebrate every new day added to the total!


Ready to make a Transformation?

The Iron Will 28-Day Reboot is a four-week, step-by-step weight loss transformation program for men & women 35 & over, that includes a clean meal plan, personalized supplementation, fat-burning & body-changing workouts, and daily inspiration to help you feel STRONG & CONFIDENT, look AMAZING, and have much more ENERGY to do the things you really want to do!

Opinions are like Assholes…

Opinions are like assholes – everyone has one.

Maybe a more mature and sophisticated title would be:

Tips on Getting Advice

But let’s be fucking real – I ain’t none too mature or sophisticated.

With my transformation into the superhero version of me, there have been many people watching and paying attention.

Some want me to succeed.

Some want me to fail.

Many don’t give a fuck either way (that’s cool too  – as I am doing this ultimately for me and nothing or no one else).

Many reach out to say how they are inspired.

Many reach out asking for help with coaching, training, and nutrition.

And a few have reached out to offer their advice.

Now, not all advice is bad.

But, not all advice is good.

Many times it’s unsolicited… but in some cases, I have indeed asked for it.

The key here is to learn how to decipher what to listen to.

When to just smile and ignore it,


When to act upon it or look deeper into the information provided.

Just the other day I read something from the Daily Stoic that ended up being very true and quite timely.

“When it comes to taking advice, it should come from someone who has run his own business, taken real risks, made it to the top and bottom of a few fields, worked on an important project, gotten his hands dirty, has had skin in the game.”

Advice without that perspective is advice from someone who just wants to give advice.

Advice from someone who sits protected from the reality of the world—cushioned from consequences, in charge of nothing but books, pens, and paper—is worthless.

Read that last paragraph again.

As you, or I, or anyone embarks on change and the pursuit of our dreams and passions, hold people’s advice to the highest scrutiny.

Your dad may love you, but he may not know shit about what you’re trying to achieve.

Your buddy on the bar stool is probably all-knowing – while he’s never done any of the actual doing.

Take advice from people who have done what you want to do.

Seek out knowledge from people doing those same things at even higher levels.

Invest your resources with the people who have proven and have done what you are trying or wishing to achieve.


Ready to make a Transformation?

The Iron Will 28-Day Reboot is a four-week, step-by-step weight loss transformation program for men & women 35 & over, that includes a clean meal plan, personalized supplementation, fat-burning & body-changing workouts, and daily inspiration to help you feel STRONG & CONFIDENT, look AMAZING, and have much more ENERGY to do the things you really want to do!

Thirty-Six years later…

Thirty-six years ago I saw my first image of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I knew right then and there I wanted to be a bodybuilder.

I was 18.

I joined a gym.

I trained.

But I never followed through on competing.

I always dreamt of it.

Along the way, I became a pretty damned good bencher.

Competed lots.

Set some records.

But still, in the back of my mind, I wanted to be a bodybuilder.

But I let:

  • Fear
  • Self-doubt
  • Laziness
  • Life

Basically, any fucking excuse got in my way.

But still, I knew I wanted this and it was part of my truth that I had denied for almost four DECADES.

Weight Loss Journey

About eighteen months ago I began a journey to lose weight.

I was 398 lbs.

Now I’m in the 270’s.

HOWEVER, I have been sitting at this mark for 3 months.

Knowing that my goal was 240 lbs.

Stuck in a weird cycle of pretty damned good success…

…but stuck all the same.

Stuck in Fear

This past weekend I did some reflection and I realized I was stuck in fear.

I knew what the next step was.

I have been talking about it for months.

I had been dreaming about it for 37 years!

It’s even in my personal objectives for 2021 – 2022 that I list on my FB posts now:

“Compete in my first Bodybuilding show”

So last night after my workout,

I came home,

And finally pulled the trigger.

I registered for the November 20th Ottawa Bodybuilding show.

I’m pumped!

I’m scared fuckin shitless!


Personal Objectives 2021-2022

  • 240 lbs body weight
  • Skydiving
  • Wing Walking
  • Bodybuilding show < oh it’s on motherfucker !!


Ready to make a Transformation?

The Iron Will 28-Day Reboot is a four-week, step-by-step weight loss transformation program for men & women 35 & over, that includes a clean meal plan, personalized supplementation, fat-burning & body-changing workouts, and daily inspiration to help you feel STRONG & CONFIDENT, look AMAZING, and have much more ENERGY to do the things you really want to do!

I Hope You’re Struggling Right Now!

You’ve been hit hard?

Life got you down?

Covid affected your job or business?

Are you overweight, broken, depressed, lonely?

Good ….

Fucking GOOD!

The struggle you’re currently facing is an opportunity.

It’s a test designed to make you stronger.

To force much-needed change.

You know you need to lose weight.

You probably didn’t like that job or career anyway.

Maybe you knew your business had to change? (this one was very tough for me – but so damned true)

Ask anyone who has recovered from adversity – addiction – heartache.

Hitting their bottom was necessary for them ( for me) to finally get better, make changes, get clean, get sober.

When you’ve finally had enough of being overweight & broken, lonely, or broke, you end up doing something about it.

For things to get better – they have to suck ass at first.

A life without adversity has no chance to blossom.

I wouldn’t be in the best shape of my life at 53 if I hadn’t finally braved the struggle of being almost 400 lbs – obese – and an alcoholic who required help from

The incredible rewarding and purpose-driven life I am creating and the business brands of Iron Hos Gear and The Iron Will Program could never have been created had I not struggled through the adversity of past failures.

From the clouds of pain and uncertainty came the clarity and light of my true passion and purpose.

To help 100,000 men and women transform their own lives and become the very best versions of themselves.

Struggling and persevering through my own bottoms and failures has created this amazing new reality.

My epic journey has and continues to forge the incredible life of happiness and purpose that I have always wanted.

I needed the challenge.

I needed the pain.

The suffering is what finally drove me to:

  • Struggle
  • Persevere
  • Succeed
  • Inspire.

My journey is far from over. There will be more:

  • Pain
  • Struggles
  • Challenges

But I now know they are a gift and the crucible through which I must pass to fulfill my destiny and help others along the way.

Whatever your struggle is, it’s your chance at real happiness and purpose.

A life well lived needs adversity.

It wants challenge.

Rise to it!

This is your invitation to become better, become stronger, become wiser.

This is your chance to create your own Iron Will.

Be grateful for your struggle.

Now pick yourself up and let’s fucking go!

Curd “Iron” Hos


Ready to make a Transformation?

The Iron Will 28-Day Reboot is a four-week, step-by-step weight loss transformation program for men & women 35 & over, that includes a clean meal plan, personalized supplementation, fat-burning & body-changing workouts, and daily inspiration to help you feel STRONG & CONFIDENT, look AMAZING, and have much more ENERGY to do the things you really want to do!

Demon Control

A few weeks ago I posted on Facebook about a couple of lessons that I learned while out on my daily power walk.

First, it was hot as balls.

31 degrees Celsius–36 degrees with the humid-ex–and I did a 5 km walk.

It was Hot. as. Fuck. ( I have to mention that again)

It was one of those days that I found myself not in the best frame of mind.

I was feeling very impatient and over-sensitive (big baby mode). Things were just rubbing me the wrong way.

As exercise is one of my 4 daily non-negotiables, this walk was getting done.

No. Matter. What.

I headed down to one of my regular walking areas and set out to hit 5 k.

I really wasn’t pumped for the walk, and on top of that, it was HOT (yup 3rd time I mention it – cause it was damned hot!!)

As the walk progressed I focused on just moving and breathing.

Then I started to take in the sights around me.

As I walked along I could feel my impatience giving way.

I began to think more freely and I was breathing deeper and calmer. The heat and steady movement was seeing to that.

I just let myself go as I walked.

By halfway through the walk I physically felt much better.

By the end of the walk, I was sweating profusely and I felt 1000% better.

My mind was clearer, the burden from earlier in the day was lifted.

It wasn’t until the end of the walk as I was sitting on a bench that I realized just how much the Demons in my head had been running rampant.

As I said earlier–with the mood I was in–I wasn’t motivated or looking forward to that walk.

But it was one of my daily non-negotiables

And daily non-negotiables GET DONE!

That’s why they are so important and damned effective.

The 4 daily non-negotiables just pull us along towards progress and results even when we don’t want to.


Ready to make a Transformation?

The Iron Will 28-Day Reboot is a four-week, step-by-step weight loss transformation program for men & women 35 & over, that includes a clean meal plan, personalized supplementation, fat-burning & body-changing workouts, and daily inspiration to help you feel STRONG & CONFIDENT, look AMAZING, and have much more ENERGY to do the things you really want to do!

My New Doctor was Blown Away

Last week I set up an appointment to meet my new family doctor.

I was very keen on having a doctor who was a little older, a little more seasoned – someone who hopefully could relate to me more.

Yet someone young enough–or at least be more proactive–when it comes to staying up on current protocols and trends in healthcare. In my case specifically, it means regularly conducting blood tests for hormone levels, and kidney and liver function.

The fact that he is also closer to my age is important to me, as I feel he can better relate to issues of being 50ish and wanting to live a full and exciting life going forward.

Sitting down to meet him, I spoke openly about what I wanted from him as a doctor and he was able to explain to me what type of patient he prefers working with.

I really liked this!

We both knew what we wanted going into this. So we would soon see if we were a “fit” or not.

I had brought my last 3 blood tests with me in a file ( yes like Dalton from Roadhouse .. lol)

So he could see what was happening with my system on the inside.

Weight Loss Transformation

But it’s when I showed him my latest transformation progress pics, that he actually went quiet for a moment!

The first pic is of me at 398 lbs – the middle pic at 335 lbs – and the last at 275 lbs last week (May 2021).

He then said he couldn’t believe it was the same guy in the picture sitting across from him now!

The fact that the transformation occurred over just the last 18 months further impressed him.

I explained to him that I want to be in control of my health and that I needed a doctor in my corner that would look to be on my team.

I want guidance and advice – not objections to me wanting regular blood tests to monitor my hormone levels and other organ function, as I embark further into my Heroic Transformation.

He loved it and said he wished all his patients cared as much about their own health to this level.

I also could tell he wasn’t afraid to voice his opinion or concerns either about some of the subjects we discussed – telling me what I need to hear, not what he thought I might want to hear.

I can’t begin to tell you how much this means to me to have another piece of the puzzle in place!

All part of my…

…240 lbs – Skydiving – Wing-Walking next phase that I’m embarking on!

Wait, have I talked about the Wing-Walking yet?

That’s happening!!

Struggle – Persevere – Succeed – Inspire

Ready to make a Transformation?

The Iron Will 28-Day Reboot is a four-week, step-by-step weight loss transformation program for men & women 35 & over, that includes a clean meal plan, personalized supplementation, fat-burning & body-changing workouts, and daily inspiration to help you feel STRONG & CONFIDENT, look AMAZING, and have much more ENERGY to do the things you really want to do!